Wheeling It: Why Pottery Is Fun For Older Adults

Explore Pottery for Older Adults: A Journey of Creativity and Mindfulness!

Pottery isn’t just for the young and agile; it’s an exciting journey for older adults too! Imagine this: your hands in cool, mouldable clay and your imagination running wild, as you shape it into something truly special. Pottery presents an adventure many of us have longed for, and older adults are enthusiastically diving in, uncovering creativity, relaxation and boundless enjoyment.

Why should older adults try pottery? Let’s start with the pure joy of getting your hands dirty! There's something incredibly satisfying about moulding clay into whatever you desire. From elegant vases to quirky animal sculptures, the possibilities are endless.

But pottery isn't just about making beautiful objects; it's also a fantastic workout for the body and mind. Kneading and shaping clay gives your hands and arms a workout, improving strength and flexibility. Plus, the mental challenge of turning clay into a masterpiece keeps your brain sharp and sparks creativity.

And the best part? Pottery is a great way to make new friends and build connections. Joining a pottery class means being around people who share your passion for clay. You'll laugh, learn, and maybe even share tips and tricks. There's a special connection that comes out of bonding over a potter's wheel and creating memories together.

Members enjoying a bonding experience while moulding clay
Members enjoying a bonding experience while moulding clay

But perhaps the most magical thing about pottery is how it can transport you to a place of pure calm. Working with clay has a meditative quality that helps you forget your worries and focus on the present moment. It's a refreshing feeling that leaves you relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world.

Silver Talkies recently organized a pottery workshop for its members in Pune, and it was a hit! Amidst the whirl of pottery wheels and the squish of clay, members bonded over stories, laughs, and fun conversations.

“The pottery workshop provided a unique experience where I enjoyed crafting with clay, particularly enjoying the wheel pottery. The overall atmosphere was tranquil, allowing me to clear my mind for two hours,” Urmila Dixit, who participated in the workshop, told us. 

Kavita, another participant, enjoyed the workshop immensely. “The pot-making experience was very pleasant. Making things out of clay is very challenging thought is an enjoyable way to pass the time,” she says, adding that to really master it, “basic knowledge along with the practical is needed.”

Our members crafted swans and Lord Ganesha from clay
Our members crafted swans and Lord Ganesha from clay

Recent research has demonstrated that art therapy which included pottery, helped to improve measures of self-esteem, as well as reduced depression and anxiety.

Like any craft, your pottery skills can get better with time after regular practice. Of course, be aware of any back pain issues beforehand and speak to your doctor before starting to avoid further pain.  It is mindful, meditative, creative and a great exercise.  

Got tips, tricks, or clay mishaps? Share them all here and join our interactive pottery journey!

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Silver Talkies

Silver Talkies is a pioneering social enterprise on a mission since 2014 to make healthy and active ageing a desirable and viable goal for older adults. Their belief is that active ageing is the most promising and economical form of preventive healthcare and with an empowering and enabling environment, older adults can age gracefully and with dignity.

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